More Information
Map of The United States Compiled from the most Authentic Sources. Published By E. Huntington & A. Willard, Hartford, 1826. Entered ... September, 1826. (with 5 inset maps). | Map of The United States Compiled from the most Authentic Sources. Published By E. Huntington & A. Willard, Hartford, 1826. Entered ... September, 1826. (with 5 inset maps). | 1st edition of "Washington" map. Later editions by Phelps (altered), and Thrall (identical). A portion of the main map was used by Huntington in Darby's Gazetteer(see my #2067). Oval portrait of Washington, inset maps of North America, Boston, Washington, New York; view of "The Capital at Washington." Table of distances occupies the Great Basin. Has the famous legend in the Missouri Territory: "Missouri Territory is a vast wilderness consisting chiefly of immense plains, almost destitute of wood, except in the neighborhood of streams. It is traversed by numerous herds of Buffalo & wild Horses, and by a few roving tribes of Indians." This map is also the precursor to the United States maps that appeared in Olney's School Geography, also published in Hartford. With black top and bottom rollers and green silk edging. Full color by state or territory.
We print high quality reproductions of historical maps, photographs, prints, etc. Because of their historical nature, some of these images may show signs of wear and tear - small rips, stains, creases, etc. We believe that in many cases this contributes to the historical character of the item.
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What is Infinity Framing?
Wow Factor
Infinity frame
The image is printed on a durable fabric, which is stretched inside a slim aluminum frame. It’s transportable, interchangeable, and easy to assemble. Our infinity frame pieces for large sized prints will lend a “wow” factor to your space.
Better than Canvas
The colors in our fabric prints are crisp and true to life, with a matte, glare-free finish. With our printing process, the colors permeate the fabric, rather than settling on top, which reduces the risk of scratching or fading. Your art will last a long time!
Easy to Install
Assemble the frame in minutes, insert the fabric print into the grooves, and your art is ready to hang!
Statement Piece
Easy and modern way to display large art in your home or office