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L'Isole Britanniche ouero l'inghilterra : diuisa in sette regni, quattro de Sassoni, e tre dell'Inglesi, et il Principato di Galles, ciascuno diuiso ne loro Shire, ouero contadi : La Scotia, regno diuiso in due parti principali, di qua e di laa del Tay, ouero ne due regni de Pitti, e de Scoti : l'Irlandia, regno diuiso in quattro prouincie, e queste ne suoi contadi. Nuovamente corretta, et accresciuta, secondo le relationi piu moderne da Guglielmo Sansone Geografo ... E data in luce da Gio. Giacomo de Rossi in Roma, nella sue stamperia alla pace, l'anno 1699-con privil del S. Pont. Georgio Widman, sculp. (to accompany) Mercurio Geografico overo Guida Geografica in tutte le parti del Mondo ... Tomo Primo. (inset). (Map 8). | A fine example of De Rossi's atlas, in 2 volumes, similar to Coronelli's atlas of the same period, with engraved decorative title page. Includes 150 engraved outline hand colored maps with decorative title cartouche, on 181 sheets. Some maps having 2-4 page numbers. Index includes plates 1-95 of the first volume, and plates 96-181 in the second volume. Maps dated between 1669 and 1715, issued by Giov. Giac. de Rossi and Domenico de Rossi, they are mainly derived from Cantelli da Vignola's maps, an important seventeenth-century cartographer who pioneered the Italian style of fine bold engraving that would eventually be embraced and expanded upon by Vincenzo Coronelli, and Nicolas Sanson (20 December 1600 ' 7 July 1667) a French cartographer, termed by some the creator of French geography. Maps engraved by Baudrand, Franciscus Donia, G.B. Falda, Jean Lhuilier, Vin Mariotti, Gasparo Pietro Santa, Salomon Rogiers, & Giorgio Widman, Lubin, Titi, Ameti, Magini and Mattei.
We print high quality reproductions of historical maps, photographs and prints. Some of these images may show signs of wear and tear - we believe that in many cases this contributes to the aesthetics of the item.
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What is Infinity Framing?
Wow Factor
Infinity frame
The image is printed on a durable fabric, which is stretched inside a slim aluminum frame. It’s transportable, interchangeable, and easy to assemble. Our infinity frame pieces for large sized prints will lend a “wow” factor to your space.
Better than Canvas
The colors in our fabric prints are crisp and true to life, with a matte, glare-free finish. With our printing process, the colors permeate the fabric, rather than settling on top, which reduces the risk of scratching or fading. Your art will last a long time!
Easy to Install
Assemble the frame in minutes, insert the fabric print into the grooves, and your art is ready to hang!
Statement Piece
Easy and modern way to display large art in your home or office