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Leahy's Hotel Guide and Railway Distance Map of the State of Illinois. Published by American Hotel Register Company. Leahy Build., 228-234 W. Ontario St., Chicago, Ill. Copyrighted by J.F. Leahy, Jan., 1934. | Leahy's Hotel Guide and Railway Distance Maps of America. The Green book, It Shows the Way. Published by American Hotel Register Company. Leahy Building 228-234 W. Ontario street, Chicago, Ill. Established Nearly Half Century. Revised Edition No. 59, Copyrighted Jan. 1934. Price of this book, complete $5.00. Subscription, Five Years .... $20.00, Combined Guide and Map of any Individual State 25 cents. | A guide to accompany the revised edition No. 59 of Leahy's Hotel Guide and Railway Distance Maps of America. It lists the Hotels of the town with the number of rooms of each, their rates per day and the population of the town. It includes the name of the railroads entering the town and where the town can be found on the map. Maps of each state are opposite the State lists of towns and hotels making it easy and convenient to refer from the one to the other. The maps give the railroad distance between towns. The Guide includes the Provinces of Canada, as well as the United States. The railroad distance maps of Europe, Mexico, South and Central America ... Maps printed without color, Railroad lines shown in red on some maps. The Guidebook is bound in Green paper covers with title in gold: Leahy's Hotel Guide and R.R. Distance Maps. Southern Pacific Lines.
We print high quality reproductions of historical maps, photographs, prints, etc. Because of their historical nature, some of these images may show signs of wear and tear - small rips, stains, creases, etc. We believe that in many cases this contributes to the historical character of the item.
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